Guidance in creating a marketing plans using an accurate understanding of the market and forecasts for the near future to determine market positioning and customer targeting objectives. Support with fine tuning marketing plans and design concepts as well as communication and transition to building contractors. Support of all areas required for ongoing administration, development of service manuals and checklists, creation of accounting systems, as well as guidance and education in top priority safety, security and food hygiene measures.
Guidance in creating marketing plans using an accurate understanding of the market and forecasts for the near future to determine market positioning and customer targeting objectives. Support with fine tuning marketing plans and design concepts, as well as communication and transition to building contractors. Support of all areas required for ongoing administration, development of service manuals and checklists, creation of accounting systems, as well as guidance and education in safety as a top priority, security and food hygiene measures.
Introduction and support of IT systems including easy to use, customized websites; a flexible intranet environment corresponding to customer needs; paperless reservation systems with checks and balances that also provides data feedback to help increase future business; and an efficient accounting system covering procurement to accounting and incorporating POS services.
Utilizing our network built from over 40 years of involvement with domestic and international hotels and restaurants we can provide training and introduction of talented staff with a deep understanding of Japanese hospitality, including specialists in Food Preparation (Japanese food, sushi, Western food, pastry, bakery, etc.); Engineering (facilities safety management, energy efficiency, operational efficiency, etc.); Wedding Consultants (creating lifetime memories); Estheticians (creation of healing spaces promoting overall health and wellness) and others.
JCAP7 can act as a trustworthy Purchasing Agent for FF&E procurement of the thousands of items necessary to open a facility. Additionally, we can support the ongoing supply of food products, consumables, and other items (excluding those with import or export restrictions), as well as the introduction of new products or the development of original custom made products for supply or sale.